- Media & Entertainment
- City & Transport
- ExaWizards

“THE SANCTUARY" is a digital twin-platform service that allows visitors to experience Takidan-ji in Fukui Prefecture as if they were sightseeing there.
This project was launched with the goal of providing a rich and immersive digital tourism experience for visitors to Japan. We actually went to the site and scanned the precincts of Takidan-ji for application development.

The development was designed to be an XR application that wealthy people outside of Japan who are thinking of traveling abroad but are undecided about their destinations will experience when guided at airports or travel agencies. The application is designed to allow visitors to experience the charms of Takidan-ji through an impressive presentation, to record their own history of activities in the VR space in the form of photos, etc., and to efficiently obtain historical and real-time information about the spot while experiencing the fusion of the physical space.
We aimed to provide an experience that allows visitors to deeply experience the attraction of a spot that they would not have known about had they not planned their visit or experienced it beforehand. In addition, by implementing a communication function with local guides and travelers, we aimed to create an experience that crosses the AR (local) and VR (user) domains.

We designed the experience with the intention of creating a realistic atmosphere of the spot through a digital copy of the spot as if it were cut directly from reality, and to create a positive feeling toward the place through an impressive presentation and worldview that transcends reality. We paid particular attention to particle expressions on the VR application to increase the attractiveness of digital travel from the entrance of the experience, and strove to explore the mystique that leads to Takidan-ji in the digital space.
We also focused on displaying photos, developing a selfie-taking function in the VR space, and designing the experience in order to realize an experience in which visitors can learn about the origin and information of historic places and things at a higher resolution than in reality through information and explanations tied to the space.

We had several people in their late 20s to 40s, including American, German, and Taiwanese, experience THE SANCTUARY's VR application to verify the value of the service experience.
After comparing the experience with that of 360-degree sightseeing apps released by other companies, we verified in detail which one would be chosen. As a result, it was found that visitors were highly satisfied with the immersive experience and understanding of Takidan-ji through THE SANCTUARY.

- Service Planning, Design and Development
- Kent Kajitani, Jun Ito, Kazuya Hiruma, Sekine Shiori
- Collaboration in Planning
- Keita Osada, Koyo Fujise
- Collaboration in Design and Development
- You Kamihiro, Takashi Shirae, Kitasenju DesignHisaki Sato, Rie Takeuchi